These magical beings carry the purest white, diamond light from Source and are making their presence known in dreams, visions, meditations, and even sightings to support humanity during its transition to the new Golden Age.

During the Lemurian time period,  more then 12,000 years ago, they existed on earth in physical form because the vibration of the planet was high enough for them to coexist with life. Primarily living within the 5th-dimensional energies, the Lemurians lived in harmony with these beautiful creatures in love, bliss, abundance, and oneness.

Unicorns range in vibration from the 7th to the 12th dimensions so, for centuries, they were unable to come or even connect with us because the earth’s vibration had declined so dramatically. By the 1980’s, millions of people had raised their vibration and enough light radiated to draw them back. Now that the frequency of the planet has increased even more, they are able to communicate with us once again.

Everything is made of energy, vibrating light, and unicorns are no exception. As with angels and other spiritual beings, we are unable to easily see them because they are vibrating at such a high frequency, making their light seem invisible.

This meditation was created to support you in connecting with your soul’s purpose, opening you to receive guidance and the next steps on your journey. With the assistance of pure diamond unicorn energy, you will bring your soul’s blueprint into your physical body and anchor it into earth enabling it to unfold in perfect divine timing.

Soul Purpose Anchoring Meditation

When unicorns first began connecting with me, I was quite skeptical, thinking they were just fantasy creatures, but I grew to learn they are very real. 

Like guardian angels, everyone has a unicorn guide they can access at any time. All you need to do is set the intention to connect and ask for signs and guidance. If you begin to see unicorns in your dreams, during meditation, or are noticing lots of unicorn images in your environment, that’s a sure sign they are trying to get your attention.

The surge of unicorn energy is more prevalent at this time because they support individuals and the collective in fulfilling their soul’s mission on earth. They scan the earth looking for high vibrational souls and ones with pure intentions and visions of serving others. Assisting us in preparing for the transition to the new earth, shifting back to the 5th dimension, is part of their mission and they want to assist anyone who is part of this movement.

And that is why they have come through with their pure loving energy during this meditation. The unicorns are eager to help you open to your highest potential and access your divine purpose. Because we have free will, they aren’t able to assist unless you set the intention that you’re willing and open. Call upon them at any time and know that just thinking about or looking at an image of a unicorn will connect you instantly, creating an ever-growing bond with these powerful light beings.

They love you and are showering you with blessings, love, and support on your soul's journey.

These magical beings carry the purest white, diamond light from Source and are making their presence known in dreams, visions, meditations, and even sightings to support humanity during its transition to the new Golden Age.

During the Lemurian time period,  more then 12,000 years ago, they existed on earth in physical form because the vibration of the planet was high enough for them to coexist with life. Primarily living within the 5th-dimensional energies, the Lemurians lived in harmony with these beautiful creatures in love, bliss, abundance, and oneness.

Unicorns range in vibration from the 7th to the 12th dimensions so, for centuries, they were unable to come or even connect with us because the earth’s vibration had declined so dramatically. By the 1980’s, millions of people had raised their vibration and enough light radiated to draw them back. Now that the frequency of the planet has increased even more, they are able to communicate with us once again.

Everything is made of energy, vibrating light, and unicorns are no exception. As with angels and other spiritual beings, we are unable to easily see them because they are vibrating at such a high frequency, making their light seem invisible.

This meditation was created to support you in connecting with your soul’s purpose, opening you to receive guidance and the next steps on your journey. With the assistance of pure diamond unicorn energy, you will bring your soul’s blueprint into your physical body and anchor it into earth enabling it to unfold in perfect divine timing.

Soul Purpose Anchoring Meditation

When unicorns first began connecting with me, I was quite skeptical, thinking they were just fantasy creatures, but I grew to learn they are very real. 

Like guardian angels, everyone has a unicorn guide they can access at any time. All you need to do is set the intention to connect and ask for signs and guidance. If you begin to see unicorns in your dreams, during meditation, or are noticing lots of unicorn images in your environment, that’s a sure sign they are trying to get your attention.

The surge of unicorn energy is more prevalent at this time because they support individuals and the collective in fulfilling their soul’s mission on earth. They scan the earth looking for high vibrational souls and ones with pure intentions and visions of serving others. Assisting us in preparing for the transition to the new earth, shifting back to the 5th dimension, is part of their mission and they want to assist anyone who is part of this movement.

And that is why they have come through with their pure loving energy during this meditation. The unicorns are eager to help you open to your highest potential and access your divine purpose. Because we have free will, they aren’t able to assist unless you set the intention that you’re willing and open. Call upon them at any time and know that just thinking about or looking at an image of a unicorn will connect you instantly, creating an ever-growing bond with these powerful light beings.

They love you and are showering you with blessings, love, and support on your soul's journey.

Before you begin

To prepare for this meditation, grab a journal and a pen so you’ll be able to record what comes through right after the meditation. Then, get earbuds and find a comfortable quiet space and sit or lie down with your spine straight. This will allow the energy to flow smoothly down your spine and throughout your chakra system. The more relaxed and open you are, the more smoothly the energy can flow through and fill your being. The energy on earth is so elevated now that the ability to shift and heal is available instantly. 

During the meditation, your chakras will be cleansed to clear the way for your soul’s blueprint to enter from your soul star chakra above your head. You will then bring it into your physical body and ground it into the planet as you open to guidance and your next steps. Because doubts, fears, or blocks may arise, you will experience another clearing to wash away any negativity and then you’ll be aligned with your highest timeline.

Remember that your purpose doesn’t need to be grand or extravagant and we have many purposes throughout our lifetime. Release all expectations and trust what comes through knowing everything unfolds bit by bit, like puzzle pieces, and we may not always see the bigger picture. Whatever comes through today is perfect and exactly what it is meant to be at this time.

Know that you will continue to receive guidance and messages after the mediation as well. Without effort, just be aware of your dreams, songs you hear, images in movies, words, signs, number patterns, animals you see, things in nature, visions, inner "knowings", or any other synchronicity or repeating happenings. These are all breadcrumbs guiding you.

Repeat this meditation as often as you feel guided knowing you will align more and more with the unicorn energy and your soul’s purpose each time.

Thank you for bringing the light, for being the light, and for spreading the light!

Just by doing this mediation, you are fulfilling a part of your unique purpose and are bringing humanity closer to Heaven on Earth. You are creating magnificent waves that ripple out, raising the vibration of the planet.

May you be blessed with wisdom, courage, strength, and pure unconditional love on your journey. You are a gift, and your light does not go unnoticed.

To prepare for this meditation, grab a journal and a pen so you’ll be able to record what comes through right after the meditation. Then, get earbuds and find a comfortable quiet space and sit or lie down with your spine straight. This will allow the energy to flow smoothly down your spine and throughout your chakra system. The more relaxed and open you are, the more smoothly the energy can flow through and fill your being. The energy on earth is so elevated now that the ability to shift and heal is available instantly. 

During the meditation, your chakras will be cleansed to clear the way for your soul’s blueprint to enter from your soul star chakra above your head. You will then bring it into your physical body and ground it into the planet as you open to guidance and your next steps. Because doubts, fears, or blocks may arise, you will experience another clearing to wash away any negativity and then you’ll be aligned with your highest timeline.

Remember that your purpose doesn’t need to be grand or extravagant and we have many purposes throughout our lifetime. Release all expectations and trust what comes through knowing everything unfolds bit by bit, like puzzle pieces, and we may not always see the bigger picture. Whatever comes through today is perfect and exactly what it is meant to be at this time.

Know that you will continue to receive guidance and messages after the mediation as well. Without effort, just be aware of your dreams, songs you hear, images in movies, words, signs, number patterns, animals you see, things in nature, visions, inner "knowings", or any other synchronicity or repeating happenings. These are all breadcrumbs guiding you.

Repeat this meditation as often as you feel guided knowing you will align more and more with the unicorn energy and your soul’s purpose each time.

Thank you for bringing the light, for being the light, and for spreading the light!

Just by doing this mediation, you are fulfilling a part of your unique purpose and are bringing humanity closer to Heaven on Earth. You are creating magnificent waves that ripple out, raising the vibration of the planet.

May you be blessed with wisdom, courage, strength, and pure unconditional love on your journey. You are a gift, and your light does not go unnoticed.

Before you begin

Follow the flow