Angel Gabrielle

Angel Gabrielle

After a crashing rock bottom in her life, Angel Gabrielle was suddenly awakened to her incredible abilities and began her soul’s mission as a powerful messenger, healer, and author.

 Angel Gabrielle is a loving spiritual guide supporting humanity during the planet's transition to the age of Aquarius, leading us to Heaven on Earth. 

Who is Angel Gabrielle?

Through her pure form, Angel Gabrielle receives profound intuitive messages and allows miracles of healing to flow to her and through her as she compassionately guides others on their journey to wholeness and pure love. She is deeply passionate about raising the collective consciousness of the earth and is able to activate quick, transformational healing of the mind, body, spirit, and emotions due to her core knowing that everyone has the capacity to be set free and fully heal.

Just being in her presence is a gift that will initiate radical shifts in consciousness and create openings for others to activate their own inner power in order to courageously uncover their true authentic self.  Her open heart emanates love showering miracles and blessings on everyone she is connected with. It's as if she has a golden touch.

Everything happens for you, not to you.

After a crashing rock bottom in her life, Angel Gabrielle was suddenly awakened to her incredible abilities and began her soul’s mission as a powerful messenger, healer, and author.

 Angel Gabrielle is a loving spiritual guide supporting humanity during the planet's transition to the age of Aquarius, leading us to Heaven on Earth. 

Who is Angel Gabrielle?

Through her pure form, Angel Gabrielle receives profound intuitive messages and allows miracles of healing to flow to her and through her as she compassionately guides others on their journey to wholeness and pure love. She is deeply passionate about raising the collective consciousness of the earth and is able to activate quick, transformational healing of the mind, body, spirit, and emotions due to her core knowing that everyone has the capacity to be set free and fully heal.

Just being in her presence is a gift that will initiate radical shifts in consciousness and create openings for others to activate their own inner power in order to courageously uncover their true authentic self.  Her open heart emanates love showering miracles and blessings on everyone she is connected with. It's as if she has a golden touch.

Everything happens for you, not to you.

How did she come to be?

I officially began my healing journey in 2018 when my life hit rock bottom. After numbing my childhood and past-life trauma with alcohol as a teen and young adult, I welcomed workaholism as my new vice and quickly became a super mom and super wife who excelled quickly in her career. Putting everyone’s needs before my own, my mind and body screamed for me to stop and listen to myself as I slowly spiraled down a sea of ailments. Staying in a thirteen-year toxic marriage and coping with an unhealthy work environment added to the dimming and almost extinguishing of my light. The once bubbly, carefree girl I had been was masked with insecurities and feelings of being unloved, unworthy, and invisible.

In an attempt to take control of some aspects of my life, I developed an excessive need for perfectionism that displayed as a very socially acceptable Type A personality.

I was on overdrive and could barely sit down and relax. When I did attempt to stop, I was filled with overwhelming guilt. My entire body broke down more each year and I felt that my symptoms were running my life, so I attempted to micromanage them along with everything else.


How did she come to be?

I officially began my healing journey in 2018 when my life hit rock bottom. After numbing my childhood and past-life trauma with alcohol as a teen and young adult, I welcomed workaholism as my new vice and quickly became a super mom and super wife who excelled quickly in her career. Putting everyone’s needs before my own, my mind and body screamed for me to stop and listen to myself as I slowly spiraled down a sea of ailments. Staying in a thirteen-year toxic marriage and coping with an unhealthy work environment added to the dimming and almost extinguishing of my light. The once bubbly, carefree girl I had been was masked with insecurities and feelings of being unloved, unworthy, and invisible.

In an attempt to take control of some aspects of my life, I developed an excessive need for perfectionism that displayed as a very socially acceptable Type A personality.

I was on overdrive and could barely sit down and relax. When I did attempt to stop, I was filled with overwhelming guilt. My entire body broke down more each year and I felt that my symptoms were running my life, so I attempted to micromanage them along with everything else.


Then one day towards the end of 2018, my prayers were answered. Although not by conscious choice, I was introduced to Reiki, a Japanese form of energy healing, which opened me to an incredibly challenging yet miraculous awakening journey. Healing myself became my focus and, as with everything else I attempted to do, this new learning came quickly and easily for me. I did a 180 in only a year-and-a-half and shifted, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. By finally going within and tending to myself, I began to uncover who I really was, Angel Gabrielle.

Although energy healing came to me to primarily support my physical healing, I realized immediately that it had unlocked magical gifts that I never thought were possible. At the time, I had very little faith in God and didn’t fully believe in the existence of a higher power supporting us, but my journey over the next few years pulled back the veil of illusion and opened my eyes fully to the awareness of God, angels, ascended masters, and my own higher self, as well as other realms and dimensions.

Not only were others surprised by this change in me, but I shocked myself because I had always been an extremely rational, scientific person who relied heavily on tangible data and needed things to be proven to believe them. I began to uncover latent gifts and abilities that had not yet been revealed to me, and all of a sudden, almost overnight, I became a powerful energy healer, psychic, telepath, and medium. It all happened so fast that I struggled with trying to control my abilities and shut them off but I eventually was able to learn to embrace and harness these surreal gifts in order to serve others.

"Ruin is a sign of transformation and beauty"

Then one day towards the end of 2018, my prayers were answered. Although not by conscious choice, I was introduced to Reiki, a Japanese form of energy healing, which opened me to an incredibly challenging yet miraculous awakening journey. Healing myself became my focus and, as with everything else I attempted to do, this new learning came quickly and easily for me. I did a 180 in only a year-and-a-half and shifted, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. By finally going within and tending to myself, I began to uncover who I really was, Angel Gabrielle.

Although energy healing came to me to primarily support my physical healing, I realized immediately that it had unlocked magical gifts that I never thought were possible. At the time, I had very little faith in God and didn’t fully believe in the existence of a higher power supporting us, but my journey over the next few years pulled back the veil of illusion and opened my eyes fully to the awareness of God, angels, ascended masters, and my own higher self, as well as other realms and dimensions.

Not only were others surprised by this change in me, but I shocked myself because I had always been an extremely rational, scientific person who relied heavily on tangible data and needed things to be proven to believe them. I began to uncover latent gifts and abilities that had not yet been revealed to me, and all of a sudden, almost overnight, I became a powerful energy healer, psychic, telepath, and medium. It all happened so fast that I struggled with trying to control my abilities and shut them off but I eventually was able to learn to embrace and harness these surreal gifts in order to serve others.

"Ruin is a sign of transformation and beauty"

Why is she on earth?

I was told I was on the “fast track” and my training trajectory never slowed down. I knew that I agreed to complete two phases during this incarnation, one for myself and one as a light leader for humanity. Like many others, I was meant to fully heal myself and my entire family line, transmuting all karma, generational patterns, false beliefs, and trauma to embody a state of oneness within myself. In conjunction with this, I would be leading others, showing them what was possible, and bringing hope, healing, and enlightenment to humanity.

I learned that I was one of many who had been strategically placed around the planet to create and anchor a grid of light to support the largest collective awakening of humanity, bringing earth from darkness to light, from the 3rd to the 5th dimension.

I have shifted out of the 3-D matrix, the fear-based human mind-constructed reality, and act as a loving bridge for others to see that all of their dreams and desires are possible and available to manifest in this lifetime. My purpose as an earth angel is to boldly step forward and pave the way, to show others that heaven is meant for us and is available now!

We have the opportunity now, like never before, to awaken, ascend, and reach a state of enlightenment knowing God/Jesus are within us, not outside of us, and inner peace, bliss, pure love, and joy are our birthright!

Reach from love, not for love

Why is she on earth?

I was told I was on the “fast track” and my training trajectory never slowed down. I knew that I agreed to complete two phases during this incarnation, one for myself and one as a light leader for humanity. Like many others, I was meant to fully heal myself and my entire family line, transmuting all karma, generational patterns, false beliefs, and trauma to embody a state of oneness within myself. In conjunction with this, I would be leading others, showing them what was possible, and bringing hope, healing, and enlightenment to humanity.

I learned that I was one of many who had been strategically placed around the planet to create and anchor a grid of light to support the largest collective awakening of humanity, bringing earth from darkness to light, from the 3rd to the 5th dimension.

I have shifted out of the 3-D matrix, the fear-based human mind-constructed reality, and act as a loving bridge for others to see that all of their dreams and desires are possible and available to manifest in this lifetime. My purpose as an earth angel is to boldly step forward and pave the way, to show others that heaven is meant for us and is available now!

We have the opportunity now, like never before, to awaken, ascend, and reach a state of enlightenment knowing God/Jesus are within us, not outside of us, and inner peace, bliss, pure love, and joy are our birthright!

Reach from love, not for love

Angel Gabrielle’s Garden Gateway

I was guided to create Angel Gabrielle’s Garden Gateway, which is a bridge to the 5th-dimensional energy vibrating at the frequency of love, joy, peace, and enlightenment. You see, this new dimension is a state of being, a higher state of consciousness, and this gateway is a sacred portal that allows you to access higher vibrations and activate the bliss codes that are already encoded in your cells and DNA.

You have all the answers within you to be able to clear and heal in order to expand your consciousness and raise your vibration so this gateway is simply a loving, supportive resource for you on your journey.

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An Angel Awakens - a book

Part of my purpose is to speak my truth and share my personal story. I’ve written a detailed account of my life, humbly sharing my true story of miracles on my journey from trauma to transformation.  It describes how my twin flame, the other half of my soul, activated my heart and ignited a fire within me to not only reach oneness within, but also oneness with him.

Experiencing challenges is a crucial part of our ascension journey and I encountered my fair share of them throughout my life, creating triggers and traumas as well as profound catalysts for healing. The book is meant to inspire others on their personal path and bring hope in times of darkness and struggle, knowing that everything is orchestrated for us and that reaching a state of pure joy, peace, abundance, and love is possible for everyone.

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Individual Healing

As for individualized healing, I don’t actually choose whom I heal. I simply follow where I’m guided and stay open to those who are led to me.

The connections are divinely orchestrated and always include beautiful synchronicities. I surrender "my will" for "thy will" and trust that everything happens as it's meant to. 

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Social Media

I’ve opened loving community spaces on both Facebook and YouTube where I create videos and posts based on intuitive guidance. These spaces are a co-creation with you and your wonderful energy so, if you resonate with me and my offerings, please visit anytime you feel guided.

Liking, commenting, and subscribing creates a beautiful energetic connection between us and will guide what comes through. This energy transfer helps me receive messages and healing support more specifically for you and your current needs or desires  and amplifies the healing power of  our community. 

I look forward to seeing you and, as always, my hand and heart are open to you.

coming soon

How can she support you?

Angel Gabrielle’s Garden Gateway

I was guided to create Angel Gabrielle’s Garden Gateway, which is a bridge to the 5th-dimensional energy vibrating at the frequency of love, joy, peace, and enlightenment. You see, this new dimension is a state of being, a higher state of consciousness, and this gateway is a sacred portal that allows you to access higher vibrations and activate the bliss codes that are already encoded in your cells and DNA.

You have all the answers within you to be able to clear and heal in order to expand your consciousness and raise your vibration so this gateway is simply a loving, supportive resource for you on your journey.

An Angel Awakens - a book

Part of my purpose is to speak my truth and share my personal story. I’ve written a detailed account of my life, humbly sharing my true story of miracles on my journey from trauma to transformation.  It describes how my twin flame, the other half of my soul, activated my heart and ignited a fire within me to not only reach oneness within, but also oneness with him.

Experiencing challenges is a crucial part of our ascension journey and I encountered my fair share of them throughout my life, creating triggers and traumas as well as profound catalysts for healing. The book is meant to inspire others on their personal path and bring hope in times of darkness and struggle, knowing that everything is orchestrated for us and that reaching a state of pure joy, peace, abundance, and love is possible for everyone.

Individual Healing

As for individualized healing, I don’t actually choose whom I heal. I simply follow where I’m guided and stay open to those who are led to me.

The connections are divinely orchestrated and always include beautiful synchronicities. I surrender "my will" for "thy will" and trust that everything happens as it's meant to. 

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Social Media

I’ve opened loving community spaces on both Facebook and YouTube where I create videos and posts based on intuitive guidance. These spaces are a co-creation with you and your wonderful energy so, if you resonate with me and my offerings, please visit anytime you feel guided.

Liking, commenting, and subscribing creates a beautiful energetic connection between us and will guide what comes through. This energy transfer helps me receive messages and healing support more specifically for you and your current needs or desires  and amplifies the healing power of  our community. 

I look forward to seeing you and, as always, my hand and heart are open to you.

How can she support you?

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Something you may not know about me is how fulfilled and passionate I am about being a mother. It’s a role that comes naturally to me and I’ve unconsciously taken it on with those around me since I was a child.

My son Aiden and soul dog Oreo are my world and with them, we’re pure joy. Play and laughter fill our days as we share the same interests and sense of humor. We’re constantly singing and dancing, playing cards and board games, making inventions and creations, or discovering outdoor adventures. 

You can find us outside no matter the weather playing catch with a baseball or football, at the basketball hoop playing HORSE, swimming, hiking, walking, or tossing a frisbee. We follow the flow and let our intuition be our guide.

Doing spiritual practices together is part of our everyday life and Oreo flows right along with us bringing his calm, patient, loving energy.

Read Here about Experiences that have supported me in remembering…

What you may not know….

Something you may not know about me is how fulfilled and passionate I am about being a mother. It’s a role that comes naturally to me and I’ve unconsciously taken it on with those around me since I was a child.

My son Aiden and soul dog Oreo are my world and with them, we’re pure joy. Play and laughter fill our days as we share the same interests and sense of humor. We’re constantly singing and dancing, playing cards and board games, making inventions and creations, or discovering outdoor adventures. 

You can find us outside no matter the weather playing catch with a baseball or football, at the basketball hoop playing HORSE, swimming, hiking, walking, or tossing a frisbee. We follow the flow and let our intuition be our guide.

Doing spiritual practices together is part of our everyday life and Oreo flows right along with us bringing his calm, patient, loving energy.

Read Here about Experiences that have supported me in remembering…

What you may not know….

Read Here

Throughout my spiritual journey, I’ve been divinely guided and much of my development has come from personal downloads, information given to me from spirit, but I was led to many different coaches, courses, books, podcasts, workshops, and classes along the way. All of these experiences helped me open and remember the wisdom and knowledge I carry within me as an infinite being. Like you, I am an old soul who has been to earth many times so any learning I’m drawn to is simply unlocking memories.

I have deep gratitude and appreciation for all the guides that have assisted me on my journey thus far, in spirit and on earth. I’ve listed some of my certifications and trainings below.

Reiki Master Instructor
Lightarian Reiki Instructor
Lightarian Angel Link Instructor
Integrated Energy Therapy Master
Integrated Energy Therapy for Kids Instructor
The Chakra Activation Method Instructor
Inner Child Healing Course
The Healer Within Academy
Feminine Energy Work
Embodying Wealth Course
The Sanctuary Circle, Classes, Soul Journeys, & Rituals
Twin Flame Vibrational Alignment Course
Twin Flame Gold Coaching Program
The Love Blueprint Program
Master’s Degree in Education
Director/Administrator’s License in Education

Throughout my spiritual journey, I’ve been divinely guided and much of my development has come from personal downloads, information given to me from spirit, but I was led to many different coaches, courses, books, podcasts, workshops, and classes along the way. All of these experiences helped me open and remember the wisdom and knowledge I carry within me as an infinite being. Like you, I am an old soul who has been to earth many times so any learning I’m drawn to is simply unlocking memories.

I have deep gratitude and appreciation for all the guides that have assisted me on my journey thus far, in spirit and on earth. I’ve listed some of my certifications and trainings below.

Reiki Master Instructor
Lightarian Reiki Instructor
Lightarian Angel Link Instructor
Integrated Energy Therapy Master
Integrated Energy Therapy for Kids Instructor
The Chakra Activation Method Instructor
Inner Child Healing Course
The Healer Within Academy
Feminine Energy Work
Embodying Wealth Course
The Sanctuary Circle, Classes, Soul Journeys, & Rituals
Twin Flame Vibrational Alignment Course
Twin Flame Gold Coaching Program
The Love Blueprint Program
Master’s Degree in Education
Director/Administrator’s License in Education

Gratitude is like fairy dust that raises your vibration.