you will experience deep chakra clearing as well as instant activation of the bliss codes that are already encoded in your DNA, raising the vibration of your cells and filling you with pure divine light.

The Bliss Code Activation Meditation works to restore your soul's inner blueprint and divine wholeness. The healing flames consist of three light rays: pure white for restoring perfection and purity, sapphire blue for protection, and the emerald-green ray bringing wholeness and restoring the flow of spirit through matter.

This meditation was designed as a gentle yet powerful gateway to connect you to the 5th dimensional frequencies of the new earth, enabling you to align with your true essence of purity, love, wholeness, and bliss.

Bliss code Activation Meditation

With love and support from Mother Mary and Archangel Raphael, 

To shift to the 5th dimension, Heaven on Earth, we must raise our consciousness by raising our vibration. This meditation infuses you with high vibrational light gently pushing out and dissolving lower vibrational frequencies based on limiting beliefs, trauma, inner-child wounds, physical ailments, emotional imbalances, mental struggles, or spiritual blocks.

You are your own healer so the more open you are to allowing the light in, the more you will heal. All you need to do is set the intention that you are ready to receive, relax, and surrender to the magical energy.

you will experience deep chakra clearing as well as instant activation of the bliss codes that are already encoded in your DNA, raising the vibration of your cells and filling you with pure divine light.

The Bliss Code Activation Meditation works to restore your soul's inner blueprint and divine wholeness. The healing flames consist of three light rays: pure white for restoring perfection and purity, sapphire blue for protection, and the emerald-green ray bringing wholeness and restoring the flow of spirit through matter.

This meditation was designed as a gentle yet powerful gateway to connect you to the 5th dimensional frequencies of the new earth, enabling you to align with your true essence of purity, love, wholeness, and bliss.

Bliss code Activation Meditation

With love and support from Mother Mary and Archangel Raphael, 

To shift to the 5th dimension, Heaven on Earth, we must raise our consciousness by raising our vibration. This meditation infuses you with high vibrational light gently pushing out and dissolving lower vibrational frequencies based on limiting beliefs, trauma, inner-child wounds, physical ailments, emotional imbalances, mental struggles, or spiritual blocks.

You are your own healer so the more open you are to allowing the light in, the more you will heal. All you need to do is set the intention that you are ready to receive, relax, and surrender to the magical energy.

Before you begin

Before you begin, find a serene space without disturbances and wear something comfortable. You can grab a blanket for warmth, surround yourself with soft pillows, relax in the bath, or just find any space that brings you comfort. Keep a journal and pen close by to record your experience after the meditation. You can start by curling up as if you were a child being held in the Divine Mother’s lap and then listen to the meditation with earbuds. 

After the meditation, you’ll want to pay close attention to what your body needs as far as hydration, rest, and soothing needs for up to 3 days. You will experience intense activations creating shifts in your light body so be kind and gentle with yourself as they integrate into your system.

For the best results, visualize the overlapping circles of the bliss code flames (white in the center, blue around the white, and green around the blue) lighting up your body throughout the day. Each time you see them, you amplify their healing power. This could take just a quick second, or you could sit quietly for a while and visualize the cells lighting up like a wave of light from your crown to your feet.

Repeat the meditation as often as you feel guided and, most importantly, allow the shifts to occur. Anything in your light body that does not match the bliss code frequencies will rise and be ready to release so don’t hold back, follow your intuition, and be ready to be lifted.

You are an incredible light leader who chose to incarnate during the earth’s transition from darkness to light and every time you activate and heal, you raise the collective consciousness of humanity. Thank you for having the courage, strength, perseverance, and determination to clear, heal, and be a lighthouse for others despite the obstacles you may be facing.

You are meant to fully heal and reach heaven on earth. You’ve been training for this for lifetimes. It is time!

Before you begin

Before you begin, find a serene space without disturbances and wear something comfortable. You can grab a blanket for warmth, surround yourself with soft pillows, relax in the bath, or just find any space that brings you comfort. Keep a journal and pen close by to record your experience after the meditation. You can start by curling up as if you were a child being held in the Divine Mother’s lap and then listen to the meditation with earbuds. 

After the meditation, you’ll want to pay close attention to what your body needs as far as hydration, rest, and soothing needs for up to 3 days. You will experience intense activations creating shifts in your light body so be kind and gentle with yourself as they integrate into your system.

For the best results, visualize the overlapping circles of the bliss code flames (white in the center, blue around the white, and green around the blue) lighting up your body throughout the day. Each time you see them, you amplify their healing power. This could take just a quick second, or you could sit quietly for a while and visualize the cells lighting up like a wave of light from your crown to your feet.

Repeat the meditation as often as you feel guided and, most importantly, allow the shifts to occur. Anything in your light body that does not match the bliss code frequencies will rise and be ready to release so don’t hold back, follow your intuition, and be ready to be lifted.

You are an incredible light leader who chose to incarnate during the earth’s transition from darkness to light and every time you activate and heal, you raise the collective consciousness of humanity. Thank you for having the courage, strength, perseverance, and determination to clear, heal, and be a lighthouse for others despite the obstacles you may be facing.

You are meant to fully heal and reach heaven on earth. You’ve been training for this for lifetimes. It is time!